Subcutaneous inflammation
When inflammation occurs under the skin from various types of acne, our skin will have a process of secreting inflammatory substances, which results in the production of a large amount of melanin or skin pigment in the inflamed area, called the process of Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH). When the acne subsides, there will still be traces of dark spots on the skin.
Squeezing and picking at pimples
Many people can’t wait for acne to heal on its own and want it to disappear from their face as soon as possible. So they try to squeeze, pick, and squeeze the acne, whether it’s a rash, blackhead, inflamed acne, or cystic acne. The larger the acne, the more damage it will cause after squeezing. It will leave red marks and dark spots that last longer than the acne itself.
The worst enemy that causes our skin to become dull is because UV rays in sunlight cause our skin to produce more pigments. The increased intensity may cause the size of the dark spots to increase, resulting in the dark spots on our face becoming darker and taking longer to fade.
Acne scars and red acne scars may seem unrelated at first glance
But in fact, they cause by different factors and require different treatment methods and durations. Acne scars cause by damaged tissues attempting to recover. But not completely, resulting in the production of pigments, resulting in dark brown or โปรโมชั่น ufabet black marks. Acne red marks are caused by inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue along with the expansion of capillaries from picking, scratching, squeezing or scrubbing the face, resulting in red and bruising. It can said that acne inflammation. If not properly care for, will turn into red marks.
Reducing redness from acne takes months. However, if the red marks that occur are not pressed, pick, squeezed or squeeze, they may turn into black marks DARK SPOTS from stimulating skin cells to produce more pigments, resulting in black marks. Which will take a longer time. In some cases, it may take several months for acne scars to return to their normal skin tone. Therefore, those who like to squeeze their acne should stop, because the benefits are not worth the losses.